Welcome to this experiment in trying out the default WordPress themes. This one (as I type) is their 2019 theme released with the initial iteration of Gutenberg, their block editor. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either. I’m sure it will grow on me, until I decide to swap out for 2020 (which I also don’t love… sorry?). Hello, I’m Paula Sageser, and I have opinions about web design.
Most of my time I’m branded to my company, PCS Creative Services LLC, where I design and troubleshoot websites for Utah Small Businesses. But while sometimes I think my business owns me, not the other way around, we are all the sum of many parts. I teach workshops, I do email marketing, I mentor and volunteer, I play games, walk my dog, have a family and a life that I often keep separate from my business. This site will serve a few purposes. Primarily I use it to send out project proposals, but I’ve decided it is also a great opportunity for me to stretch a little bit, let my hair down, and be about more than just my business. It should be an interesting experiment not only in default WordPress, but in sharing a less formal version of myself.