Welcome to this experiment in trying out the default WordPress themes. This one (as I type) is their 2019 theme released with the initial iteration of Gutenberg, their block editor. I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either. I’m sure it will grow on me, until I decide to swap out for 2020 (which I also don’t love… sorry?). Hello, I’m Paula Sageser, and I have opinions about web design.
Most of my time I’m branded to my company, PCS Creative Services LLC, where I design and troubleshoot websites for Utah Small Businesses. But while sometimes I think my business owns me, not the other way around, we are all the sum of many parts. I teach workshops, I do email marketing, I mentor and volunteer, I play games, walk my dog, have a family and a life that I often keep separate from my business. This site will serve a few purposes. Primarily I use it to send out project proposals, but I’ve decided it is also a great opportunity for me to stretch a little bit, let my hair down, and be about more than just my business. It should be an interesting experiment not only in default WordPress, but in sharing a less formal version of myself.

One response to “Hello I’m Paula Sageser”
You’ll notice that comments are turned off on the site. I turn off comments everywhere. The Internet is full of a few too many naughty people and trolls. I’m happy to engage with real people who behave with kindness and empathy toward others. Those people tend not to exist in the comments section… amiright?